salam mesra alam..
I was on the road and you were alone
I'm sorry for the times that I had to go
I'm sorry for the fact that I did not know
I'm sorry for the wrong things that I've done
I'm sorry for the fact that I'm not aware
I'm sorry for the things that I did not say
I'm sorry for the things that he put you through
I'm sorry that your life turned out this way
I'm sorry that it took so long to speak
Sorry Blame It On Me

I was on the road and you were alone
I'm sorry for the times that I had to go
I'm sorry for the fact that I did not know
I'm sorry for the wrong things that I've done
I'm sorry for the fact that I'm not aware
I'm sorry for the things that I did not say
I'm sorry for the things that he put you through
I'm sorry that your life turned out this way
I'm sorry that it took so long to speak
Sorry Blame It On Me

ckp2: untuk someone out there.,dan kepada suma2 kawan-kawan.,kalau la sy ada buat apa-apa kesalahan selama kita berkawan,.maafkan lah yer

ckp2 lg: saya menyatakan ini kerna selama 2-3 hari ini,.hati ini selalu saja tidak setenang sebelum2 ini

potpetpotpet: saya sentiasa mendoakan yang terbaik untuk korang juga

aaa..asal weyh..ape suda jadik..+_________+
mcm sedeyh jek~
kau pehal bai?
nie kenaper nie??
aik... ko apesal ni bro...
ade prob ke?
hehe...xde pape la..sje jer untuk memulakan bicara...yelaa..sebelum sambut besday yang ke-20 nk mintak maap kt korg dlu la..mna la tahu..kot2..x sempat lak kang mahu sambut kedtgan umo ke 20 aq...heee...tq sume..!!
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