Aku Ditagged la pulak..
~From Dee~
Malam ni aku nak jawap tagged from Dee... Siap ade award lagi klu jawap tagged nie... Huhu... Thanks Dee, bagi award n tagged nie... 1st tyme dpt nie.....

• Write three (3) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award.
• Jot down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself or your hobbies.
• Pick your seven (7) most deserving recipients and describe them.
• Leave a comment on the recipients’ blog to tell them they’ve been tagged.
Here goes..
three (3) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award
- Member dari High School Malacca sampai loni..
- Member gelak sambil mengutuk sesama sendiri
- Cool jer die ni kalo kena kutuk..ngeh3
ten (10) interesting facts about myself or my hobbies..
- Anak ke-7 drpd 1O org la...
- Asal Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah la..
- ex student Malacca High School la..
- Student UKM amik Bisnes stady la..
- Boleh bawa berbincang orangnya la...
- Pemalu n pendiam orgnya la...hehe
- Ske meng-on9 dan juga Men game la...
- Suka gilagilagila kaler balck-and-white la..
- Ske men badminton, bola tmpar, n futsal,congkak,dan juga tersenyum la...
- Suka jalan-jalan naik moto la...
- Single la...aik.??haha
seven (7) most deserving recipients and their description.
- Fathi : ex i-skol
- iceq :owner group 89
- sapa2 la...kalo nk amik aja...haha
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